BK Plus are experts in Xero, Set up, Conversion and Specialise in Small Business Accounting.
We LOVE XERO online accounting and our practice is 100% Xero utilising the many benefits of Xero and the Add-On partners.
We are Xero Certified Advisers and specialise in Xero setup and conversion for small to medium business from a simple cashbook or business editions depending on your needs. We can convert any current accounting system to Xero making the transition simple and stress free. With our experience, skill and knowledge, we support you in your business and provide ongoing assistance, training and guidance.
As Authorised IRD Tax Agents and ACC Agents, we have a close working relationship with both departments. We manage your business relationship with IRD and ACC to free up your time so you can get on with the real job of running your business.
We provide Mobile or Online Services. We work with clients throughout NZ as location isn’t an issue using Xero Online Accounting Software.
Contact us today for your FREE – No Obligation – Consultation at your convenience.
Chris Thomlinson – Director & Business Life Saver.
(for businesses drowning in paper work and record keeping)
I just love XERO… (the world’s easiest online accounting software) It’s my passion! …….And I smile….. a lot…..and so do my clients….who now spend less real time doing their accounts…..and more time on building their business.
I could tell you lots of things about me. Retailer. Great times. Hard times. Accounting & Financial Management Experience. Tax Agent. Certified XERO Advisor. Mother. Nana. Partner. Marlin Catcher.
But this is about YOU, Me and XERO.
So if you feel like you are drowning in paper work, record keeping, tax obligations, let me and XERO show you an easier simple way that won’t break the bank. And make you smile as much as I do.
Chris Thomlinson – Director